I'm excited to say that I can now also share the HEX color codes for Siser Heat Transfer Vinyl!
This means there's no more guesstimating for your customers what a vinyl or heat transfer vinyl color looks like...instead you just punch in that HEX code into Silhouette Studio's Fill Color Advanced panel and you have the most accurate color match possible. You could even make something like this to show off not only the design, but the color options as well.
By the way - this full set of last day of school designs is available as a free Silhouette design from Silhouette School. It's free for personal use.
I'm not going to re-hash the full work around for saving the HEX colors to Silhouette Studio because you can read that here - along with downloading the Oracal HEX color code sheet. But what I will show you is how having the HEX colors for Siser Easyweed, Siser Electric and Siser Stretch is so helpful.

The HEX code is in the last column on the sheet.
In Silhouette Studio, select the design and open up the Silhouette Studio Fill Color tool.
Click "Advanced". Select your In the box for the "#" type in the HEX code from the reference sheet.
The design will then change to that color.
You'll notice that when you change the HEX code the RGB code will also adjust and will then match what's on the Siser HEX and Pantone color sheet as well.
Have a multi-color heat transfer vinyl design, ungroup and/or release the compound path of the design and fill each piece with the correct color to match with the color Siser HTV you plan to cut on.
So helpful!
Of course you can't type in a hex code for glitter heat transfer vinyl or vinyl, but I have a Silhouette Studio hack for giving a Silhouette design a glitter fill too.
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Does anyone else find the HEX codes for Siser HTV off? For example, when I enter the code for Dark Green it looks gray.
ReplyDeleteHello All..... So I was going through making my color chart for Siser and noticed that I was getting an orange color for the Apple Green when using the listed Hex Code. I went back and typed in the RGB values and came out with the correct color.
ReplyDeleteSo if you are looking for the correct Hex Code for Siser Easyweed Apple Green it is: 7BB66171