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Silhouette CAMEO First Cut and Beginner Projects

Now that you've gone through the Silhouette Set Up and Getting Started tutorials, you're ready to make your first Silhouette cut!

I highly recommend you follow the below tutorial for your first Silhouette CAMEO project. I've specifically created it for beginners and even included a free Silhouette cut file that's ready to cut to make it super easy.  Just follow the Silhouette tutorial step by step. It will help teach you the basics. 

Then you can move on by going through the gallery below of Best Silhouette Beginner projects after your first cut! 

Best First Silhouette CAMEO 4 Project and Tutorial

 Best Silhouette Beginner Tutorials AFTER Your First CUT

 Best Silhouette Beginner Tutorials


  1. Question. Extremely new bought silhouette used. It contains fonts but I have been told without a CU license I cannot use them if they are on something I sell. Just needed to confirm

  2. I've followed all instructions but when I go to print to my printer the preview doesn't show my design nor does it print. Do you know what I could be doing wrong?

  3. My auto blade came apart and I think I put it back together right but it's not cutting so I must not have, help?!

    1. Hey there! Unfortunately without knowing how it came apart, I'd suggest replacing it.

  4. I'm very new to this. I have a silhouette Cameron, and am having trouble understanding how to cut my own design

    1. Hey there! If you're needing some more in depth tutorials with step by step videos and opportunities for 1:1 help, check out Silhouette U:


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