A few things I wanted to point out to you and a few more things I've got to keep close to the chest for a little bit longer, but don't you worry - I'm bursting at the seams to share and I will just as soon as I can.
Tweaks to the Blog:
You'll notice Silhouette School has a new website address...we put on our big girl pants and moved over to www.SilhouetteSchoolBlog.com. You have no idea how happy this makes me :) I mean like really, really happy. The old URL - if you've bookmarked or pinned - will redirect you to the new site and all the tutorials are still there and everything is honky dory! You'll notice more changes to the website over the next few weeks, too, all in an effort to make it easier for you to navigate and find lessons!
Searching Lessons/Tutorials:
I get a lot..and I do mean A LOT... of questions that sound like this "I know you have a tutorial on XYZ, but I can't find it". Well, my friends, we've improved the search box and the search funcion on the blog for you so it should be easy peesy to find tutorials. Just put in a few keywords and hit SEARCH. If you still can't find them after the search, I'm happy to help you locate what you're looking for...
Social Media:
Ohhh social media....where to begin. First up, we've moved the social media buttons from along the sidebar of the blog to the header. Click on 'em...go somewhere cool!
This move is to help make it easier for you to find Silhouette School here there and everywhere. Follow along on Instagram for behind the scenes stuff and previews, subscribe by email and/or RSS (get every post in your email), and of course find us on Facebook.
Speaking of Facebook...my analytics show that only about 10-20% of you see Silhouette School's posts. Since you've 'liked' the Silhouette School Facebook page, I'm assuming that means you want to see what we have to offer...like, all of it! FB filters your newsfeed to show you what it thinks is important to you. You can tell it 'Silhouette School is important to me' by doing the following:
-Liking, Commenting, Sharing and Lingering (yes, hall loitering is allowed at Silhouette School) on the Facebook page often.
-Set up notifications so you are alerted EVERY time Silhouette School posts on Facebook, you get a notification on FB.
-Add Silhouette School to your interest lists by clicking 'liked' and then on 'Add to interest lists..." Follow the on screen prompts. This way you'll be sure not to miss a thing.
The weekly newsletters will be happening again...soon, I hope! I've had some technical difficulties because the list is growing so large that I am in the process of trying to find another newsletter platform that can handle our Class Notes. You can still sign up and will get the weekly Class Notes Newsletter as soon as it's back up and running. Same thing goes for Canadian Deal Alerts...apologies for the delay.
I can't say to much about this at this point, because there are some legal things happening behind the scenes...but it's a priority and my goal is still to have it out in December.
As always, I thank you for all that you have made Silhouette School. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words, your comments, yours questions, your shares, likes, and referrals. You all have made Silhouette School a huge success in the first nine months and for that I can't thank you enough!

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Thanks for leaving a comment! We get several hundred comments a day. While we appreciate every single one of them it's nearly impossible to respond back to all of them, all the time. So... if you could help me by treating these comments like a forum where readers help readers.
In addition, don't forget to look for specific answers by using the Search Box on the blog. If you're still not having any luck, feel free to email me with your question.