DTF transfers are cutless, weedless full color transfers that are not only inexpensive and easy to apply, but they can go on any color or type of garment.
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A DTF printer is a high priced investment for a small business that plans to print transfers daily. But there are plenty of options for purchasing DTF transfers.
In this tutorial I'll show you how to put DTF transfers on t shirts with a heat press whether you print them yourself or purchase the transfers.
Once you have your DTF transfers, you want to make sure your heat press is warmed up to 338 degrees and set for 10-15 seconds.
Before you begin, you'll need to make sure you know (from your DTF supplier) if the film used is hot or cold peel. Cold peel is most often used.
Place your shirt directly on the press and give it a pre-press to get out any wrinkles or moisture.
Put the DTF transfer directly onto the shirt with the film side facing up.
Lower the upper platen of the heat press directly onto the transfer and apply medium, even pressure for 10-20 seconds. Do not use a cover sheet.
TIP: If you're like me and having a hard time remember the exact times and temperature for DTF, you can download this free DTF time and temperature printable cheat sheet.
Open the heat press. If you have cold peel DTF transfers, remove the shirt from the heat press and wait until the transfer is completely cool to the touch before carefully peeling off the transfer film.
If your DTF Transfer starts to lift with the film, it's not cool enough yet.
Now you want to repress at the same time and temperature again with a cover sheet to press the DTF transfer into the fibers of the t shirt.
And that's it...it's that easy to put DTF transfers on t shirts!
Want to learn more about the best desktop DTF printer for small businesses? Check out this DTF printer comparison.
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